Library Rules and Office Hours

While we try to showcase the best of anime in our weekly screenings, there’s a lot more out there than we can possibly show. Therefore, we also maintain a large collection of anime and manga in our circulating library. Library cardholders gain the additional privilege of checking out items from our library for home viewing; for more information, consult the section below.

We hold weekly office hours in our library in W20-441 (fourth floor of the Student Center). All are invited to come in during these times to browse our extensive collections cataloged here, and library cardholders may use these hours to borrow materials. In addition, non-members are also free to come in and read our manga and watch our anime during this time.

Office Hours

These are the times when someone will definitely be in the library. Officers often hold unscheduled office hours, so if you’re in the Student Center, feel free to stop by!

Library Cardholders

Individuals may apply for a library card by coming to any office hour in W20-441! The card allows one to check out up to 30 items at any given time (up to 6 DVDs, 6 manga/books, 6 audio CDs, 6 fansub discs, 6 VHS tapes) and place items on hold; upon return, they may check out additional items.

E-mail for questions or to request holds.

Library Checkout Polices